Tag Archives: yoga

Game Plan – Worķ Out Routine

I’d like to think of myself as someone with MacGyver skills who can come up with a solution on the fly for the task at hand. But I’m not, although I can be spontaneous, my best work has always been preceded by research, careful planning and lots of preparation.

As seen on my note app, my life has been dominated by my kitchen slash foodie game plan.

Given that thought, the road to a healthier me requires that I draft a blue print. I went back to reading blogs and reviewing YouTube playlist that relates to fitness and health. NerdFitness is one of my go-to’s with this kind of stuff because they speak my language (Scientitic facts mixed with Sci-fi and geek references). I used their BUILD YOUR OWN WORKOUT article as my starting point.

Anyway I think I’m losing track on what I want to share on this post. So here’s a breakdown of my game plan divided into 3 main categories:

The plan is simple:

  • alternate between HIIT and STRENGTH training.
  • Active rest days in between
  • MOBILITY and POSTURE correction will be done everyday
    • on active rest days – this will be the only activity for the day
    • warm up / cool down on HIIT and STRENGTH days.

There you go. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this plan.



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